Nephilitic Concerns. What does that mean? I don't even think Nephilitic is a real word. Nope. A quick check of old reliable MS Word agrees with me. Nephilitic is pure gibberish. That's somewhat concerning, don't you think? I mean here you are, dashing around the blogosphere and you stumble across some creepy guy spewing gibberish into the air. You don't even know me. And yet you're still reading, so I suppose I should do some explaining.
A quick Google search will probably tell you everything you ever wanted to know (and more) about the Nephilim. Much of this knowledge can be divided into three distinct categories:
-The Anti-Semitic ramblings of a gaggle of inbred morons.
-Info on a band you'll probably never hear playing at the next RNC
-A rather fascinating definition of a race of mythological beings that were largely excised from the Bible.
In short, The Nephilim were the offspring of fallen angels and the human women they got snuggly with. Though not evil in and of themselves, some apocryphal writings imply that they were a corrupting force on humanity, teaching them politics, astronomy, weaponry, etc. It was because of the Nephilim that God decided to flood the earth.
A fascinating bit of Judeo-Christian mythology that practically no one's ever heard of.
What the hell, does this have to do with anything, you ask?
I'll tell you.
The most important question any author can ask him or herself is "What if X?"
The Great What If is the question upon which every other question is derived.
What if a young lawyer is recruited by the Devil?
What if a young woman is trapped in her car by a rabid St. Bernard?
What if the Nephilim still existed today?
What if... Is the question that ignites the imagination.
This blog is concerned with the art of storytelling. The idea, the kernel of imagination from which every kind of story is born. It doesn't matter if it's genre or literary. This is a place to tell stories. I'll tell some of mine, and perhaps, in time, you'll tell some of your own.